Effective Date - 19-06-2024

In order to prevent any misunderstandings that may result from a language translation, the policy outlined below is exclusively available in English. If necessary, please avoid using this website or seek appropriate advice.

These Terms and Conditions are applicable to all individuals who have access to this site, including users and viewers. By utilizing or accessing this website, you are acknowledging and accepting its terms and conditions. If you disagree, refrain from using this site.

Restriction Of Use

Miles Wide luxury., and its affiliated companies, are not responsible for any damages, harm, or injury that may occur from using or accessing the materials on this site. This includes any failures, errors, interruptions, or computer viruses. There may be technical inaccuracies or typographical errors in the material on this site. The materials on this site are provided without any guarantees or warranties, whether explicit or implicit. Miles Wide Luxury absolves itself of any responsibility for negligence and denies any claims or guarantees, whether explicit or implicit, such as the guarantee of quality, suitability for a specific purpose, or non-violation of rights. We cannot guarantee that the functions in the material will always be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the contents will always be correct, accurate, or reliable. Additionally, we cannot guarantee that this site or the server that makes it available will always be free of viruses or other harmful components. The entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction is assumed by you (and not Miles Wide Luxury).

Restriction Of Liability

Miles Wide Luxury and its affiliated companies, are not responsible for any damages, harm, or injury that may occur from using or accessing the materials on this site. This includes any failures, errors, interruptions, or computer viruses. There may be technical inaccuracies or typographical errors in the material on this site. The materials on this site are provided without any guarantees or warranties, whether explicit or implicit. Miles Wide Luxury absolves itself of any responsibility for negligence and denies any claims or guarantees, whether explicit or implicit, such as the guarantee of quality, suitability for a specific purpose, or non-violation of rights. We cannot guarantee that the functions in the material will always be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the contents will always be correct, accurate, or reliable. Additionally, we cannot guarantee that this site or the server that makes it available will always be free of viruses or other harmful components. You (and not Miles Wide Luxury) are responsible for paying the full cost of any necessary servicing, repair, or correction.


Miles Wide Luxury and/or its affiliates, subsidiaries, parent, or related companies are the sole owners of all logos and other intellectual property used here. Unauthorized use or misuse of these trademarks or any content of this site, except as explicitly permitted, is strictly prohibited. Copyright effective June 19, 2024, Miles Wide Luxury. All rights reserved.


The laws of Barbados will govern the agreement. All materials on this site are provided solely for informational purposes regarding Miles Wide Luxury. Please note that Miles Wide Luxury controls and operates this site from St. Philip, Barbados, and cannot guarantee the suitability or availability of these materials in other locations. When using this site from different locations, it is your responsibility to ensure compliance with the relevant local laws.

Trademark Information

Miles Wide Luxury and/or its affiliates, subsidiaries, parent, or related companies are the sole owners of all logos and other intellectual property used here. Unauthorized use or misuse of these trademarks or any content on this site, except as explicitly permitted, is strictly prohibited. Copyright effective June 19, 2024, Miles Wide Luxury. All rights reserved.

Contacting the Website.

If you have any inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy or our practices concerning our site, feel free to reach out to us via email at [email protected].

Attn: Data Privacy

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